The degree of regard unto the simple American principle that government be 'of and for' the people shows itself in the character of those who have been elected or entered political power. How well a nation's leader, their administration's policy makers, representatives of our U.S. Congress, and finally, the Justices in our Supreme Court, respect, value, and understand the dual role of solemn stewardship and leadership requires personal humility and a selfless sense of service to the people that may oft be placed aside when the same individuals in positions of government power realize that they can affect national policy according to their political self-interest distinct from the unanimous good of all the people.
The unconstitutional invention of 'judicial review,' and the unspoken precedent of 'judicial activism,' allows people and political factions to place themselves supreme above the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, and the law making process within the judiciary, legislative and executive branches of government instead of an originalist understanding of the word and spirit of intention as purposed of the framers of our American republic. Therefore, to secure true national civility, the American people must call upon the Justices in our U.S. Supreme Court to eradicate the precedents, that the original intention of the framers of our nation be respected.
The shift of 'activist interpretation' of our fundamental law and judicial review was an unconstitutional precedent created in the 1803 Supreme Court opinion of Chief Justice Marshall then (Marbury v. Madison); aggregating an increase in the governmental balance of power unto the Federal Judiciary, and allowing for political factions to be activist, or practice judicial aggrandizement of their ideological positions, thus, socially engineer the nation unto a path open to the self-interest of faction, themselves, cloaking and constitutionalizing the institutions of slavery, segregation, and abortion.
Utmost respect to the original understanding of what the original spirit of intention & word of our fundamental laws is, must triumph, that peace & prosperity be guaranteed.
The Spirit of Liberty; the defense of those universal, unalienable rights, as written in our American Constitution can be clearly gleaned from the writings & complete life's works of the framers of our constitutional works. What role should education perform in the inculcating of a critical thinking, advocating people, and what parameters are necessary to bring about a stronger, more vibrant American; with ardor & intellect to care about the daily protection of these sacred freedoms?
How you say what you say matters, and how we instruct and how we learn must be approached with a clinical teaching understanding that is patient and methodical. Coach Bill, a Political Scientist & Special Educator, brings a dynamic, fortifying vision on what style and pattern of Educator, learner, and 21st century citizen is required to create stronger, dynamic and resilient communities, families, individuals, environment and economy.